Internship recruitment countdown...
Just had a 4 day break where I didn't do anything worthwhile. Of course, I got a lot of sleep.
I now realize that I am way behind on my preparation for recruitment. 24th Monday, I have my first campus interview. And in the 4 days beginning 24th, I am interviewing with 7 firms. Interviewing with 7 firms across consulting, trading and investment management requires a tremendous amount of groundwork. With 7 days to go, I feel woefully underprepared.
"Yuddha kaale shastrabhyasaha" was a quote used often by my Sankrit teacher in high school. Translated, "Learning the use of weapons at the time of war". Obviously, a bad idea!
There is a beautiful subhashita (Sanskrit couplet) that comes to mind in this context. "Chintaneeya hi vipadamadameva pratikriya. Na kupa khananam yuktam pradeepte, vahni na gruhe". Translated, "The reactions of people at the times of crisis is thought provoking. It is not advisable to dig a well when your house is on fire."
With that wisdom in mind, I have decided to focus my efforts on such prep that I expect to yield maximum results. So, between now and 26th, I aim to have practised 4 cases for my consulting interview. Most people around me have done anywhere upwards of 20 cases, but it is too late to think about it now :)
Was just looking at my calendar for the next few days. It is choc-a-bloc with engagements. Mock interviews, study group, class preparation, career workshops. I don't think I have ever been so busy at Tuck.
I have a stock pitch to make tomorrow afternoon and I don't have my investment hypothesis ready. I have to visit a firm in New York on Friday, I don't have my clothes ready. I have made plans for my trip to India in March, I don't have my tickets ready.
Everything will fall into place. Everything!!
I hope it does :)
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